welcome email campaign +hook email.
Seriously, the problem of ‘not being able to get ahead of trends’ in a market is a problem a lot of businesses fail to acknowledge.
Believing that ‘it’s just the markets way of playing out. That campaigns are very hit or miss and knowing the outcome is just not possible’.
So well done for wanting to learn more.
It’s something businesses in 2024 should pay closer attention to.
The thing is:
You and I both know that saying there’s no way to know for sure of the outcome for an online campaign is false.
And that’s why learning the problems that kept us from staying ahead of trends and being prepared for them for when they did change was game changing.
What exactly can you expect from me.
Earlier this year I noticed something that was happening across the board.
We recognized the sheer number of content creators selling ‘how to’ methods through courses for business struggling with the types of problem like yours.
And that was exactly the problem.
Supplying a ‘one size fits all package’ was causing businesses to chase outreach methods that had no alignment with the values of their individual brand.
Heck, most businesses didn’t even need to use what they were being sold to fix their problems.
And that’s why I decided to create an organic free cheat sheet that would personalize your problems and the tailored solutions for them.
A miniseries if you like.
Of the three ultimate causes for businesses suffering from the problem of ‘failing to get ahead of trends’ and the solutions to match each one.
I’ll reveal one after the other across the next few days.
And yes:
There is a reason for that.
Each of these three separate problems involve a lot of a business’s operations within the digital realm.
So it is important that you take the time to recognize one by one if each problem relates to your business.
But before we do that, I have a question.
Do you know the most common issue that businesses with your problem face.
Have a think.
If your anything like I was, the answer will go right over your head as an option.
But anyways, I’ll reveal it in our first lesson.
Which I will release tomorrow.
For now, I’ve got to catch up with the team. These Ai tech developments are getting out of hand.
Talk soon.
Email 2-headline: Lesson 1-How to get trends to stick.
Subject line: Have you ever been misled before?
Have you ever been misled before?
You’ve followed what you’ve thought to be true, but in doing so, you’ve been led astray.
Often leaving you in a worse position than before.
Well, that was my situation when me and the boys decided we needed to change our strategy and jump on what was working for other businesses.
After all:
As a business, its I’ll advised to re-invent the wheel.
To go against the gran is to step foot in no man’s land.
And so that is why we chose to do what most did.
Follow what works.
But you see, that is what leads me to our first lesson.
Is there even such a thing as the best trend for you to hop on?
Yes and no.
By no, I mean this.
Chasing the next best trend leads to:
-inconsistent conversion rates.
-Lower website traffic
-and small responses with site updates.
Putting you in a place of chasing the short-term smaller wins vs long term stability.
I mean:
Wasn’t the saying’ stop and think before turning to the next shiny object’ something we were advised to live by growing up.
I don’t know about you:
but it’s something that has gotten me out of sticky situations since I implemented it into our system.
And our second lesson touches on actual concrete measurement for you to implement on this lesson with.
If you’re not meant to turn to what is advised, to what other successful businesses are implementing, and to what works.
What exactly do you do.
Well, I’ve given the ‘no’ side of the answer, so what do I mean by ‘yes’.
To go by the wheel in short.
But actually doing so.
Choose what works for your industry. It’s a piece of advice I wish was tattooed to my forehead.
Understand what works for competitors. Benchmark off them, understand what areas they are stronger than you in.
Whether its SEO strategy, sale campaigns, integration of platforms or even the design on your page.
Leveraging the resources of what works in your industry will create a long term sustainable social media presence.
Saving yourself much time, energy and resources for your business.
And ultimately provide you with a breath of fresh air, becoming unbothered by any new arrivals in the world of ‘trend setters’.
Now that’s over, I’ve got to run.
Our friends at Hencote are hosting a wine tasting, I can’t wait.
Talk tomorrow.
P.S-You know how in the first email, I said there’s no way to know the results of a campaign.
Well implement our second lesson and I guarantee you’ll be able to from now on.
Email 3:
Headline: lesson 2: From low engagements to high interactions
Subject line: Find out what works for your business
57 views, 9 clicks.
Was the reading I was faced with which caused a lot of change for our team.
And gosh am I glad I did.
But why am I telling you this.
You see:
I realized when making this sequence of emails, that whilst telling people to turn to what is best in their industry is correct.
Even knowing what that is for starters, is a challenge.
And it is so for numerous reasons:
-Without trials with most methods, you don’t know what is best.
-Doubt may be caused from a lack of experience with testing methods.
-Without proper measurements, how do you know if your doing bad or good or that you can do much better entirely.
When we asked ourselves those questions, it was then we realized what our issue was.
Because how could we know when we were doing bad, when we didn’t even know if we were doing good.
What do I mean by this:
Without decision making being made off the back of all data analytics of the brands performances in every aspect.
Knowing where a business’s strengths, weaknesses or areas to improve upon became a different ball game of challenge all together.
This, I can assure you.
It’s why daily drawbacks like low web traffic, lack of referrals or just inconsistencies in operations occur.
And in our third lesson, I’ll reveal the rather unfortunate new reality for online business and the ways to overcome it.
But first, what tools do you need to implement this data analytics into your system.
The third one allows you to test multiple methods in real time.
Firstly, a business needs a strong SEO strategy.
To track the performance and analyze competitors. Through keywords research and backlink analysis, a business will then position itself in a stronger position.
Secondly, automations.
This was something I wish we implemented sooner than we did. For email campaigns, sale campaigns and social media posts, automating our content enabled us to segment and personalize to our audience, release content on time and never miss out on opportunity and deadline meets.
A/b testing tools.
This tool tests different versions of web pages, app features and marketing campaigns to determine which one performs best for you.
An example of this may be that you want to change your headlines on your site.
So, you show one headline to half your audience and the new headline to the other half, and you compare the results to see which one performs best for you.
Giving you a tangible visual of what works best for the business.
So now that we know what will work for your business.
Now that we know how to measure your performance.
What else might be causing you to experience troubles in getting ahead of the trends in your marketplace this calendar year.
Well, I’ve given you a lot to think about for today, but our third lesson touches on something that we aren’t in control of as much as my other points.
But knowing what this problem is will be the most impactful one for your business yet.
It will save you many headaches.
If you have any question over what we have covered so far, get in touch on our email here.
The weather is awful today so I’m free for the rest of the day.
Talk soon.
Email 4:
Headline-Lesson 3: Maximise your ROI.
Subject line-I’ve got to be honest with.
I’m going to be honest with you.
In 2024, the world of digital marketing as you know, is the most saturated and competitive that its every been before.
And well it’s because it’s the new land of opportunity.
As you know, for business new and old, there is now an ample number of chances for financial growth.
But like anything, you can’t have the good without the bad.
Standing out in an information filled society can seem impossible at times.
Often filling businesses with imposter syndrome like feelings, causing them to loose sight of the value in online campaigns and the positive traction one campaign can drive for a business.
And that is why it is imperative to retain the customer just as much as it is to attract new ones with outreach.
If you remember, in our first email, if you stuck till the end, I spoke about having to rush off to learn some new tricks with my camera.
And I was rather excited to do so.
Side note:( I’m also providing you with an email tomorrow, to wrap up a plan for you).
Improving my videography skills put me in a stronger position for reaching my targeted audiences needs and desires.
And you see, that’s exactly it.
As a business, it’s so easy to lose track of our overall goal that is to be achieved.
Which is to solve customers’ problems.
Making good content is necessary, having strong analytics to measure performance is necessary.
But understanding and adapting to the new high expectations of audiences across the board is what will transform your brand.
And here’s why:
In a world filled with new marketing tools, Ai technologies, automations, complex content creations, integrating of media platforms and more.
The digital marketspace is more crowded than ever, with countless options available at consumers fingertips.
This abundance of choice means customers can easily switch to a competitor if their expectations are not met.
So, showing authenticity, and skill in personalization and service has never been more demanding.
Taking advantage of and leveraging these skills for attracting, retaining and converting customers is essential for your survival and prosper.
And is why I have decided to make a plan on how to implement each lesson learnt over the course of the last few days into your business.
Now, the sun is finally out, and like new trends in a market, its rarely around for a while.
I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Ps: I’ve got a final question.
Have you maximized your website’s ability to communicate like an in-person salesman?
Hook email:
Theme of the hook is that we are providing them with a plan to implement what we have taught -we are now starting the process of introducing our mechanism to be their solution.
-so far we have shown the causes for their problem and the solutions to fix them-so we want to divert them into a video of us explaining each service and set them up for a call to close the deal.
Headline: Let’s put your vision into practice
Subject line: Outperform your competitors with these steps.
I guess I’ll pick up where I left off.
Have you maximized your website’s ability to communicate like an in-person salesman.
Off the face of it, it can sound rather daft I know.
But its true:
What I’m referring to is, have you maximized the steps in place for your prospects when you take them through the pipeline from being a spectator to a customer.
Being the vehicle that takes their problem to your solution.
The thing is:
Low traffic numbers, poor conversion rates with campaigns and ineffective content posts are all problems that you see on the surface.
Which create frustrations of lacking visible progress, which create inconsistent results, and which create fears of being left behind as a recognized brand entirely.
And as you know:
All these lead to is a cycle of burnt-out online outreach, loosing track of what you can do to massively improve your brands online reputation.
Having a surface level problem means theirs a chain of them stretching all the way down to the seabed.
And its plugging and playing with what I have shown you in previous emails that will create a built-in mechanism for you to work up to the surface of it.
Here’s how:
Converting attention through a post or email or web update. + having the backing of a clear funnel for viewers through your content that works and is data driven. + a clear showcasing of personalized communication that’s timely and valuable.
-Attracting viewers and Saying goodbye to viewers scrolling past your content. + Ending the cycle of poor stagnant numbers. + Retaining viewers and stopping the looping roller coaster of high engagement one week and near silence the next. + A consistent and sustainable rise in conversion rates.
If you want an in depth detailed and tailored plan, I made a full video explaining start to front.
Click the link below to watch:
Get ahead of the trends and stay there.
Talk soon.
Welcome email campaign for a media business that uses skills in videography and sale campaigns to promote businesses online outreach.
-I wrote them a welcome email campaign for their new viewers that joined their email list. Provided contacts with content that aligned with their problem, providing them solutions to their problem. Maintaining their goodwill and achieving their trust.
The campaign is then followed up with a hook email which aims to achieve the next C.T.,A. In this instance is was to the next stage of their sale funnel which was a video.
Theme of campaign:
Supported businesses struggling with the problem of 'getting ahead of trends'.
-Validate their decision to join the list, explain what they can expect from your content. Open a loop of information early on, creating the need for the next email.
(4 Minute read)