Sale campaigns:

Email 1: Headline-The link between this type (?) of stress and hair loss.
Subject line-dealing with the side effects
Maintaining health, achieving goals, finding, and developing relationships, beating your competition, looking after family and now stress related hair loss.
As if our problems weren’t numerous enough.
But what people don’t release is that when suffering from hair loss, worrying makes it worse, especially something that feels so niche:
But isn’t.
Draining you mentally.
It affects your energy levels when faced with other problems like I just mentioned.
So when you learn how telogen effluvium causes hair loss and the ways you can combat it.
Well, hair loss will no longer trouble you.
Ultimately, giving you one less headache to worry about.
With this reassurance, you might already be feeling a little bit brighter.
Knowing that it’s something a lot of people deal with.
Which is:
Worrying deeply about a problem which they have been told isn’t something they should be worrying about.
For you and others, I have made a ‘how to’ video demonstrating proven solution for removing effects of telogen effluvium.
To watch, click this link below.
Talk soon.

Email 2:
Headline- Stress free hair growth and what you need to know.
Subject line-Tips for your growth
Serums? Transplants? Tablets ?
Knowing how to treat your hair loss is hard and important.
So much so, most turn to the first popular solution they see or one they see has results they trust.
So many different paths, so many different choices.
It can feel impossible at times to get a concrete answer of:
You have hair loss, it is caused by this. Here you go, this will fix it.
Is that so hard to ask.
That’s why it is ever important to know what causes it.
What makes your hair disappear.
Luckily for us, for you, I’ve made a video knowing how you can identify stress being the cua of your hair loss.
If you want to know if this applies to you,
Click the (link).

Email 3:

Headline: How stress is sabotaging your hair growth
Subject line-Find out now

So (NAME).
You want to know if stress is causing your hair loss.
Most of us know that putting ourselves through too much stress can cause an overload of it.
Straining our bodies, there are multiple side effects.
And unfortunately, hair loss is one of them.
There are ways we combat it.
Better yet:
Ways to know if certain causes of hair loss relate to you.
And so:
Is why I made a video explaining if stress related hair loss does relate to you.
And what to watch to if it does.
Click the link for the video: (link).

VSL: Have an early CTA. We can do this as the sale is now the obvious logical solution for the viewer after having many interactions with the system leading up to receiving the video. We therefore aren’t coming across salesy but more helpful.
Product to be sold: Scalp massager.

Script for the VSL:
Title: Is stress the root of your hair loss? Find out here.
The Norwood scale, the cause of delight for the fortunate few or the pitifully disaster to be confronted with for most.
And I’ll be honest, it was for me too.
Until I found the Indian Ayurvedic massage practices enacted through a well sort after scalp massaging device.
With herbal remedies healthy for scalp, this coupled with a scalp massaging device enabled me to fully retrieve lost follicles by stimulating blood flow. More so than I had previously manually been able to generate with my fingers.
with the scalp massaging device, my lack of dandruff was the first sign of my hair amending.
And actually, If you’re interested in purchasing this scalp device, I’ll leave a link in the description or click the link on the screen to get it now.
There is currently a 20% discount.
Now, It’s generally known that when you become the real life representative of a level 3 on the Norwood scale, you fit the bracket of ‘loosing hair’.
The thing is, when you’re at level 3, unless your delusion is through the roof, you generally don’t need to be told that you are losing hair as it’s fairly obvious.
However, that doesn’t make it any easier when realizing that level 3 is your new reality.
Well, at least that was the case for me.
But now, let me tell you how I came to find these remedies.
Accepting that I was a ‘level 3’er, ate away at me.
Riffled through my confidence, and the added stress only supplemented further destruction of my hair and with that, my, what I call:
social cloak.
What I mean is, having a full head of hair, especially in your early 20’s is a huge sign of youth, charm and overall well-being.
And whilst it is a necessity that fades with age because well, everyone else grows up and catches up with your hair loss.
It’s something that we want to avoid, for as long as possible and for the long-haul full stop.
So, lets call it the level 3 look.
With my level 3 look, I felt I was exposed. Like no combover, no ‘good lighting’, no good angle could save me from dreadful mirror appearances, harsh window reflections or passive comments from friends and family which weren’t received as passive at all.
And because of that internalizing, I became more sensitive to criticism from friends, making me shy away from certain gatherings or more anxious when I did.
And on top of that, I noticed that it was causing other areas of my life to fall.
Professionally at my job at the time, my output was dropping, and my overall gym attendance declined.
Little reminders throughout the day, pilling, manifesting, gathering into my now reality.
Stress, here stress there, stress everywhere.
And it wasn’t until I found out that stress related hair loss occurs 2-3 months after a very stressful time in your life, that I wanted to find out if stress induced hair loss was the route of my problem.
After all, who wants to be stressed because stress causes hair loss when you can be relaxed knowing your hair is safe during stressful times.
So when I found out stress and bad scalp health had a direct correlation with hair loss, I needed to know if I fell into that category.
Knowing what to look for, what symptoms there might be and the solutions to combat it.
Here’s why:
I realized that I would then know the root to the cause of my hair loss and know what to turn to for my solution.
Meaning, I could rule out the possibility of going down the more expensive health and financial option of a hair transplant.
So, the next step was simple.
I had to find out if the cause of my level 3 was indeed the stress I was putting myself through.
And that what I did. Evaluated my symptoms and saw if they aligned.
Yes I know its suggested you shouldn’t self-diagnose, but I was adamant this was the reason because I seemed to have quite a few.
And this was one that really stuck out to me was the sudden increase in hair shedding, evenly diffused around my scalp, not localized to one area.
An your probably thinking well what’s so obvious about that.
Well for starters, this was the worst it had been, and it was very sudden. The fact that it was so sudden made me realize that it was more stress induced than anything else like genetical or hormone imbalance related.
-But then I realized that stress makes your hair fall out a couple months after experiencing a stressful time in your life.
And well:
A few months prior, I experienced a rather stressful professional event of which consisted of work and the lack of it I had completed for a deadline.
Silly me.
Nonetheless, it put my through some rather unwelcomed psychological and emotional stress which obviously rook its tole on my unlucky hair.
Perhaps that was my scalps way of telling me off for being bad at my job.
At this point into my research, I was already swayed by scalp therapy remedies that helped sooth my scalp and helped relax me when stressed.
So, I started finding small tests I could perform on my scalp to further tests whether my stress induced environments or neglected scalp health were causing any of this.
Well, this brought me to find the hair pull test.
Where you gently pull on a small section of hair (about 50 strands) from different parts of the scalp and a few strands come out easily, then it would indicate you would be suffering from telogen effluvium.
Which is:
The loss of hair following the premature arrival of hairs in the telogen stage (shedding) of the hair growth cycle.
And what do you know, I had exactly that. I did in multiple times and my hair was coming out.
Now at this point, if our stars align, then this will indicate that stress induced hair loss is something you are suffering from.
Or should I say telogen effluvium.
Before I continue, I want you to spend some time analyzing if your experience is similar to mine.
So, ask yourself:
-Is your hair loss diffused? In other words, does your thinning occur across your scalp?
-Is the loss of hair sudden or significant.
-Can you correlate the loss correlate to a stressful event that took place 2-3 months prior.
-Is their hair in your hand following the hair pull test.
If everything aligns, make sure to act sooner rather than later as like I said earlier, the hair loss side effects of stress occur two to three months after its initial impact.
So, learn your Ayurvedic massage techniques, and grab your massaging device here (link)
An have one less thing to worry about during stressful times.
Talk soon.

Sales campaign -four-day cash machine.
-Three emails each using a different angle but representing the same message and purpose which is to get a click through to a VSL. Throughout the three emails, viewers stop receiving emails as of when they accept the invitation to the VSL.
Product to sell- Scalp massage product.
Three emails-All are the same apart from headline and subject line and angles used.